With focus comes clarity

With clarity on who and how we offer support, all women and their families benefit from YW’s programs and services.

Last year, we had a direct and measurable impact on thousands of Calgary residents, through program delivery.

Total number of individuals supported



“I came to YW when I learned I could lose my children because of the abuse they were witnessing at home. The incredible support of a Sheriff King Home case worker helped me find the determination to leave a dangerous situation with my partner despite the overwhelming fear I felt. There was this sense that someone was holding my hand, which helped me focus on my kids and their needs.”

We assist individuals with their needs and goals – sometimes in a variety of ways – this can mean one person receives support for more than one YW program. It is important we understand how we can empower clients to move forward in their lives. We know that we had a positive impact on women and their families because of what our clients shared with us.

We supported

people to enhance their mental health and well-being.


“YW’s Families Forward Program has helped me to develop skills and strategies to better help my daughter’s needs and positively support her development and well-being. What I learned from this program allowed me to be a much more confident and informed parent. I strengthened the connection with my daughter because I understand her more. I learned how to approach challenges differently and am able to pass on these problem-solving and coping skills to her as well. We are more calm and happy as a family now.”

of participants told us they felt hopeful about
their future.
After being involved with YW 0 %
of participants told us they felt safe in their relationships.
0 %
felt they had people to rely on when problems came up.
0 %

For every individual who accesses YW programming, we believe there is an impact on at least three other individuals in that person’s life.

We estimate our work has had an impact on
an additional

This could look like a parent changing how they interact with their children after attending a parenting program, or someone applying the skills they learned in counselling to have healthier relationships with their partners, friends, and colleagues.

individuals took steps to build their economic prosperity.


Since engaging in YW’s Women’s Economic Prosperity programming, Fatima expressed how the things she learned have dramatically improved her outlook on relationships and overall wellbeing. She learned how her lack of boundaries in the past led to feeling “walked over” by others and how that could be prevented by advocating for herself and asking for help when she needed it. She has overcome her fear of being her true self in any relationship.

We found clarity on how we share our expertise and thought leadership. We know what we know and where our skills are and we are better able to provide that expertise in community as well as with clients.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Our work focuses on women and their families thriving in a safe and equitable community. To succeed at this, YW needs to ensure our employees are thriving. This past year, that meant we needed to examine our own experiences with equity, diversity and inclusion.

Hear from our EDI Committe Chair on some of that journey.