Do you ever wonder what your child is thinking? When you interact with them, take them out for walks, go to the zoo, or even play peek-a-boo! They are growing but not sure if you are making any impact or doing it right. Join us as we take a deeper dive into the foundations of development. Learn more about how your child grows and how you can support that development! We will be covering topics including developmental domains, brain architecture, resilience, and how to support healthy development. Join us as we explore how to build resilience in our children from their early years.
Week 1 – Developmental Domains
What are developmental domains and why do we hear them so often when we talk about our children? This session will break down the foundations of child development and how our children grow.
Week 2 – Brain Architecture & Stress
This workshop provides parents and caregivers with information about childhood stress and its impact on child development. We will identify different types of stress and how we can support our children with healthy stress-coping strategies for developing a healthy brain.
Week 3 – Resilience: Exploring childhood experiences
What is resilience? In this session, we will be learning about how our experiences shape who we are and how it affects us. This workshop will provide parents or caregivers with information about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how trauma can affect healthy development.
Week 4 – Building resilience
So how do we do it? This session will merge all of the learnings from the first three weeks and explore strategies on how to build strong resilient children.