Dive into layers of race and gender discrimination

2025-02-03T16:05:46-07:00February 3rd, 2025|Advocacy, Education, Our View, Women, Women's Economic Prosperity|

On March 6, 2025, YW Calgary is honoured to welcome Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw at the 13th annual YWHISPER Gala – a rare opportunity to hear from a social justice pioneer who coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989. Intersectionality focuses on how various forms of social layering, such as race, gender, or class overlap [...]

Celebrating Small Steps: Housing Advocacy

2024-05-16T09:46:13-06:00May 16th, 2024|Advocacy, Housing, Our View|

YW Calgary is pleased that the City of Calgary approved changes to its existing base residential zoning after lengthy public consultations with community members. Our organization participated in the public hearings to share our support for the proposal, speaking to Council directly about issues YW's clients face daily when seeking safe, affordable and [...]

A Path to Recovery: Growing Alberta’s Affordable Housing Stock and Recovery-Oriented Support Systems

2022-10-28T13:50:33-06:00October 28th, 2022|Advocacy|

As a member organization in Calgary’s Social Policy Collaborative, YW recently added our insight, data and recommendations to a joint report: A Path to Recovery: Growing Alberta’s Affordable Housing Stock & Recovery-oriented Support Systems. The brief calls on the Government of Alberta to take stronger action to ensure greater availability of affordable housing in [...]