Help fund your child’s education this Financial Literacy Month by Albiona Sadikaj

2024-11-28T11:39:37-07:00November 14th, 2022|Archive, Education, Families, Uncategorized, Women's Economic Prosperity|

It’s Financial Literacy Month in Canada! An excellent time to focus our attention on gaining insights and skills to improve our financial health and wellbeing, particularly before the holiday season! My name is Albiona, and I am an Economic Empowerment Coordinator with YW Calgary Women’s Economic Prosperity team. I support women with moving towards [...]

NFVP Series: Family Violence Prevention Month in Alberta #GoPurpleAB

2021-11-28T13:40:39-07:00November 2nd, 2021|Education, Families, Family Violence, Our View|

Conversation with Esther Elder – YW Calgary Manager, Transitional Housing, Language and Economic Prosperity In Alberta, November is Family Violence Prevention Month - an opportunity to continue raising awareness of this critical issue and to advance YW Calgary’s work to prevent and support women and families impacted by domestic violence; to help women gain [...]