5 years since the flood

2018-06-25T15:40:19-06:00June 25th, 2018|Our View|

Last week marked five years since the June floods submerged Calgary and left many of citizens and organizations in crisis mode. The YW was deeply impacted by flooding, so we spoke with Sue Tomney, CEO, and Elsbeth Mehrer, VP People & Engagement, on the experiences of those nine days touching on the strength and [...]

Terry Crews: The triple threat

2018-06-15T07:33:23-06:00June 15th, 2018|Our View|

You may know him as the face of Old Spice, or as Bedlam in Deadpool 2 or as the yogurt-loving Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, we know Terry Crews as an actor, an artist, one of the most thoughtful voices in gender criticism and our keynote speaker for our 8th annual YWHISPER Fundraising Gala.   For many, a feminist, women-centred organization announcing Terry [...]

Let’s talk mental health

2018-06-09T11:22:53-06:00June 9th, 2018|Our View|

This week our newsfeed has been filled with anecdotes reflecting on the tragic death of designer Kate Spade and this morning we woke up to the news of Anthony Bourdain’s passing. Both individuals were beloved, celebrated and inspired millions of people around the world and both lost their lives to suicide. It seemed to be [...]

More than a century of legacies

2018-06-01T14:26:33-06:00June 1st, 2018|Our View|

When you’re a 107-year-old organization, you’ve been around the block a time or two and there isn’t much that really shocks you. At least that was what we thought until yesterday when our history collided with our present-day evolution. Many of you may know that YWCA existed and work on behalf of and with [...]

Steps Toward a Healthier Future

2018-05-18T09:05:06-06:00May 18th, 2018|Our View|

YW Counselling provides tools and strategies to manage strong emotions and help build healthy families. Lana Bentley, Program Operations Director, shares more about the program and how it benefits YW clients: Q: When the YW says they work with vulnerable women what does that really mean? A: Vulnerability looks different for everyone. There are days when [...]

Mother’s Day

2018-05-11T11:10:39-06:00May 11th, 2018|Our View|

Mother’s Day is bittersweet day at YW. Women who find their way to YW are often fleeing abuse, experiencing poverty, homelessness or isolation. Some have left their homes because they’re no longer safe and some have stayed because they know leaving could make things worse or will enter them into the cycle of poverty. [...]

When misogyny kills

2018-04-27T14:00:39-06:00April 27th, 2018|Our View|

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” ― Margaret Atwood News of the devastating attack in Toronto has spread across the world and for us, the attack hits close to home. Not only does our heart hurt for the families and friends of those [...]

Think Big! Lead Now! – YW Calgary Style

2018-04-13T15:23:45-06:00April 13th, 2018|Our View|

Featuring a post from YW team member who had the opportunity to travel to Ontario meet incredible women from across the country and hone in her leadership style! On March 8, I had the opportunity to take part in the Young Women’s National Leadership Summit hosted by YWCA Canada in the little town of Orillia, [...]

A New Evolution for YW Calgary

2018-03-28T15:11:18-06:00March 28th, 2018|Our View|

This week YW celebrated a milestone in the construction of our new home with our long-time service partners from service partners from the Government of Alberta and the City of Calgary. We announced $8.6 million dollars in funding from the provincial and municipal government to support our transitional housing program. As our project evolves before [...]

International Women’s Day: Press for Progress

2018-03-02T16:19:15-07:00March 2nd, 2018|Our View|

Maclean’s covers offered two a visual representation of what the pay gap looks like for men and women.  In Canada, the pay equity gap can range from eight per cent to as high as 50 per cent, which means that women consistently have to do more with less. Women in Alberta face some of the [...]