Childcare in Alberta: What to Know

2017-08-22T10:15:23-06:00August 22nd, 2017|Our View|

Returning to work seems like a daunting task for any first-time parent. You’re trying to balance the responsibilities that come with being a parent along with your own expectations of what kind of parent you should be. On top of all of that, you’re thinking about returning to work and trying to figure out how [...]

When You Can’t Just Shake it Off

2017-08-11T15:52:50-06:00August 11th, 2017|Our View|

De-escalation, minimizing and acquiescing may not be words every woman can define, but are most definitely skills that almost every woman have mastered by their early adulthood. We have learned how to minimize situations that make us uncomfortable, laugh off unwanted advances, avoid endangering ourselves by angering a man, ignore catcalls and whistles when [...]

Being Pro-Choice – A History

2017-08-03T14:02:11-06:00August 3rd, 2017|Our View|

It seems like women have been fighting for the right to control their health for a really, really long time - like more than 200 years long. Despite all the time that’s passed and the strides that have been made towards equality, women’s access to safe and legal abortions is continually called in to [...]

Equity v.s. Equality: What’s the Difference?

2017-07-26T15:07:50-06:00July 26th, 2017|Our View|

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Audre Lorde Women and men are not equal. It’s a common misconception that because women and men can compete for the same jobs, negotiate for similar pay and attain the same levels of education that [...]

Yahoo for the Green Line

2017-07-15T16:37:51-06:00July 15th, 2017|Our View|

Cowboy hat, check. Cowboy boots, check. $1.5 billion dollars for Alberta’s largest transit project, check. The hype for the Green Line LRT project which found politicians using words like ‘monumental’ and ‘transformative’ is understandable given how critical infrastructure is for low-income individuals. In a city dubbed the most expensive for low-income people to live [...]

#SafeStampede: It’s up to all of us

2017-07-11T16:02:04-06:00July 7th, 2017|Our View|

Alright folks, if you’re dreaming about pancakes, getting a mildly weird craving for mini doughnuts and itching to do the electric slide, you’re not going crazy; it’s time for the Calgary Stampede! The next 10 days of the greatest outdoor show on earth are both entertaining and exciting for the city and it’s up [...]

Canada 150: It’s Complicated……

2017-07-11T15:36:18-06:00June 30th, 2017|Our View|

Canada 150. 150 years of confederation and 150 years of complicated history with anyone who wasn’t Caucasian, a man and an Anglophone. Canada is toasting to its 150th birthday, but the celebration is complicated. 150 years ago women, Indigenous peoples and people of Asian background couldn’t vote; racism was alive and well (and legal); [...]

Reconciliation in the words of Danielle Black

2017-07-11T16:03:31-06:00June 21st, 2017|Our View|

In honour of National Aboriginal Day, we are featuring a blog post from Sui-Taa-Kii (Danielle Black) a woman from the Siksika First Nations, part of the Blackfoot Confederacy, Plains people, Treaty 7. Sui-Taa-Kii talks about reconciliation and what that word means to her along with The word reconciliation has always been interesting [...]

For the Love of Shoulders

2017-06-29T15:20:42-06:00June 9th, 2017|Our View|

The fingertip test. At age 12, most girls know that in order to go to school during the spring and summer their outfit must pass the fingertip test. For those who may not have read up on school dress codes, or who weren’t subject to the ridiculousness of policing the bodies of young girls [...]

Still Not Asking for It

2017-06-29T15:24:21-06:00May 31st, 2017|Our View|

CONTENT WARNING: This article or section, or pages it links to, contains information about sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “Rowdy and fun. Hope your [...]