Celebrating 150 women

2017-05-17T15:00:28-06:00May 17th, 2017|Our View|

Lizzie Cyr. A sex worker, a Calgarian and a central figure in the Persons Case that officially recognized women as persons. Her name may not be as familiar to you as Nellie McClung or any of the Famous Five for that matter, but it was Lizzie Cyr’s legal case that paved the way for the [...]

Keep A Roof Over Their Heads

2017-05-11T17:00:01-06:00May 11th, 2017|Our View|

Second year participant, Wanda Rumball shares her experience attending and fundraising for Keep A Roof Over Their Heads. Listen to her story and the significance this fundraising event has for her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej5UWGTKfWk

Burnout, Superwoman and being ‘Too Busy’

2018-05-07T12:12:19-06:00May 5th, 2017|Our View|

‘No’ is a complete sentence and we need to get more comfortable saying ‘no’. We have the right, and quite frankly, the responsibility to say ‘no’ when don’t feel like doing something, when we don’t have the energy, the desire, when we are uncomfortable or simply when we’re exhausted. It seems like we have [...]

Housing in Calgary

2017-04-28T15:47:14-06:00April 28th, 2017|Our View|

Do you know where you’re going to sleep tonight? If you do, ask yourself, how many steps am I away from becoming homeless? If I didn’t get my pay cheque on time, could I pay my rent, my mortgage? The road to losing stable housing is not necessarily a complicated one; it can start with [...]

420 & Harm Reduction

2017-04-21T15:25:16-06:00April 21st, 2017|Our View|

In the spirit of 420, and the recent focus on the decriminalization of marijuana, talking about harm reduction: what it means and why we believe in it seems like a good idea. To start, harm reduction can be described “as a strategy directed toward individuals or groups that aims to reduce the harms associated with [...]

Calling for a #SafeRedMile

2017-04-13T15:30:04-06:00April 13th, 2017|Our View|

It’s been two years since the Calgary Flames clinched a playoff position and we are so excited to cheer them on against the Anaheim Ducks! People are bustling with joy and bringing a new energy and excitement to the city. As we gear up to cheer on the Flames tonight, we also want to cheer [...]

Alberta receives C, but is that fair?

2017-04-08T10:48:48-06:00April 8th, 2017|Our View|

It’s that time of year where report cards are out, and we’re all taking notice. Today’s report card focuses on the strengths and weaknesses in the socio-economic performance of Canada and its provinces and territories. Alberta received a C, but that grade doesn’t speak to the overall socio-economic health of our province and of its [...]

A Culture of Check Boxes: Immigration

2017-03-31T09:23:01-06:00March 31st, 2017|Our View|

This week we are featuring a blog on intersectionality and privilege as it relates to the immigrant experience in a country as diverse as Canada. The blog comes from one of YW’s team members who had the opportunity to present on this very topic, entitled “Immigrant, minority, developing country, racialized minority: The fallacy and reality”. [...]

Think Big! Lead Now!: Recapping a weekend in Ontario

2018-03-15T11:20:21-06:00March 24th, 2017|Our View|

“’No’ is a complete sentence.” “Your daughter is going to face violence if she shows who she is.” “Who you are makes a difference, all you need to do is show up.” These are some of the powerful words that YWCA Canada Think Big! Lead Now! Delegates heard over their three-day leadership conference in [...]

Working to Make Life Better: Budget 2017

2017-03-17T15:58:16-06:00March 17th, 2017|Our View|

Brace yourself, we’re about to talk budgets. In case you had accidentally stuck your head in the sand to avoid hearing about the ‘out of control spending’ or the ‘soaring debt’ some media outlets reported, Budget 2017 dropped yesterday. Most criticism coming from individuals, think-tanks and other interested parties in Alberta tends to focus on [...]