Managing Stress and Anxiety: Mindfulness for families

2020-05-13T09:49:33-06:00May 13th, 2020|Our View|

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a wave of uncertainty and stress to our daily lives. During this time, it is important to understand that your feelings and emotions are normal and that you’re not in this alone! This blog is part of a wellness-focused series that provides some tools and strategies used [...]

Managing Stress and Anxiety: Breathing

2020-05-06T12:51:00-06:00May 6th, 2020|Our View|

For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a wave of uncertainty and stress to our daily lives. During this time, it is important to understand that your feelings and emotions are normal and that you're not in this alone! This blog is part of a wellness-focused series that provides some tools and strategies [...]

Domestic Violence during COVID-19

2020-04-27T15:18:48-06:00April 24th, 2020|Our View|

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges and restrictions to all of our daily lives. But for families in need of support, their options have always been limited. The pandemic has given us a sobering reminder of how fragile safety and well-being can be. We are all connected and one person’s wellness impacts another [...]

Cheers to volunteers!

2020-04-17T16:05:30-06:00April 19th, 2020|Our View|

April 19 to 25, 2020 is National Volunteer Week, a time to celebrate and thank volunteers across Canada. This year’s theme is it’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers which rings true more than ever in light of COVID-19. This week, we want to make some noise by applauding our volunteers at YW Calgary [...]

How to Support YW During COVID-19

2020-09-02T12:07:08-06:00April 6th, 2020|Our View|

YW Calgary is working hard to limit COVID-19’s impact on the vulnerable women and families we support. While some of our programs are closed, we cannot stop providing our critical services which include our shelter programs that see nearly 200 women and children every night. We are being proactive in our response and making [...]

COVID-19 Income Supports

2020-04-15T16:24:41-06:00March 30th, 2020|Our View|

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges in all of our lives. The situation has impacted many of us financially, but it can be difficult to know where to turn for support. In addition to existing income supports, the federal and provincial governments are offering extra help to individuals and families in these unprecedented [...]

YW Calgary COVID-19 Update

2020-08-25T08:52:15-06:00March 13th, 2020|Our View|

As Alberta and Calgary shift into the new COVID-world, YW is developing forward-thinking plans and adapting to implement the tools and skills we have gained through the pandemic. We are slowly and intentionally re-opening in-person program delivery for services that shifted virtual and continuing to go above and beyond to keep our facilities safe [...]

Alberta Budget 2020

2020-03-11T15:10:00-06:00March 11th, 2020|Our View, Uncategorized|

Alberta’s economy is moving through some significant challenges – so too are its people. The YWCAs of Alberta are pleased to be able to continue to do this work with the support of Alberta Government’s 2020 Budget. On Thursday, February 27 YW Calgary was invited to attend the Budget Lock Up at the Legislature [...]

Power Shift: Women’s Economic Inclusion

2020-03-09T14:51:13-06:00March 9th, 2020|Our View|

Women are ready, willing and able to lead the future of our economy. YW Calgary envisions an inclusive economy where there is an equitable shift in power and resources so people of all genders can: share decision in making within organizations, be compensated fairly and be treated respectfully. On average women make 60% of [...]

Guest Blog: #MeToo and what comes next

2020-02-18T12:17:32-07:00February 18th, 2020|Our View|

In the era of hashtags, wokeness, -isms and anti-, and at the risk of exposing my age, I must ask: Does anyone remember MySpace?! Having experienced a transient upbringing, for me it became a medium to display my teenage angst and keep up with friends in different parts of the world. I strategically chose [...]