GUEST BLOG: National Indigenous Peoples Day

2019-06-21T15:36:37-06:00June 21st, 2019|Our View|

As I, and many others shuffled into the rehearsal studio in the Arts Commons, children, families and elders sat wide-eyed waiting for the event to begin. We had all gathered at the Arts Commons to celebrate Indigenous culture and heritage for their National Indigenous People’s Day Celebrations. The room reflected the diversity of Calgary’s [...]

Dear Volunteers: thank you!

2019-04-10T15:40:42-06:00April 7th, 2019|Our View|

Volunteers are the soul of any non-profit organization and YW Calgary is no exception. Our work can only be done in concert with our committed volunteers, donors, community partners and women and their families. Each volunteer is a key component in helping YW achieve our mission to intervene, empower and lead where and when [...]

International Women’s Day: Balance for Better

2019-03-07T08:04:42-07:00March 4th, 2019|Our View|

Around the world, March 8th marks International Women’s Day. A celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. A day to highlight the progress made since Caucasian women first won the right to vote in Canadian provinces just 68 years ago; it was another 9 years until Indigenous women were awarded [...]

Guest Blog: Ally is a verb not a noun

2019-02-21T09:53:47-07:00February 21st, 2019|Our View|

A team member at YW took a brave and bold step recently to share her experience for Black History Month. We often speak about being advocates, allies and warriors for and with women. What we sometimes forget to say is that it’s not just women who might be experiencing domestic abuse, homelessness or poverty. [...]

Addressing Poverty

2019-02-20T13:31:28-07:00February 15th, 2019|Our View|

At YW Calgary, we work with women on some of the hardest days of their lives. Days when they’re leaving an abusive relationship, struggling with homelessness or poverty, navigating their way forward to a new job or learning to speak English. Approximately 80 percent of the families we support are low income, many of [...]

108 years of providing safe shelter

2018-12-20T14:08:29-07:00December 20th, 2018|Our View|

“In 1907, a young woman arrived by train in Calgary and looked for a place to stay. She went to all of the boarding houses and hostels, and finally began knocking on doors of private residences, but she could not find a room.” You see at the time young women were not desirable boarders as [...]

Be a light of hope this holiday

2018-12-17T13:47:19-07:00December 14th, 2018|Our View|

On any given night, more than 170 women and children sleep in a YW Calgary shelter because there they are safe. The holidays bring a variety of emotions for the women, children and men accessing services at YW. For some, they are celebrating having a roof over their head and a door to close [...]


2018-11-26T11:49:00-07:00November 26th, 2018|Our View|

Tuesday, November 20th, was YW’s 8th annual YWHISPER Fundraising Gala, which brought together supporters, donors and advocates to raise funds in support of women and their families who are struggling with poverty, domestic abuse and social isolation. YW was joined by former NFL player and one of TIME Magazine’s 2017 “Persons of the Year”, [...]

Poverty is never just about money, but it’s always about money.

2018-11-09T15:33:44-07:00November 9th, 2018|Our View|

Today representatives from YW Calgary joined the Government of Alberta, our community partners and those with lived experience as we celebrated the important changes made to index social benefits like Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) and Income Support with inflation. These long-overdue increases to benefits will have a direct impact on women’s lives and [...]