Dive into layers of race and gender discrimination

2025-02-03T16:05:46-07:00February 3rd, 2025|Advocacy, Education, Our View, Women, Women's Economic Prosperity|

On March 6, 2025, YW Calgary is honoured to welcome Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw at the 13th annual YWHISPER Gala – a rare opportunity to hear from a social justice pioneer who coined the term “intersectionality” in 1989. Intersectionality focuses on how various forms of social layering, such as race, gender, or class overlap [...]

Help fund your child’s education this Financial Literacy Month by Albiona Sadikaj

2024-11-28T11:39:37-07:00November 14th, 2022|Archive, Education, Families, Uncategorized, Women's Economic Prosperity|

It’s Financial Literacy Month in Canada! An excellent time to focus our attention on gaining insights and skills to improve our financial health and wellbeing, particularly before the holiday season! My name is Albiona, and I am an Economic Empowerment Coordinator with YW Calgary Women’s Economic Prosperity team. I support women with moving towards [...]

Financial Literacy Empowers Women

2022-01-31T10:57:40-07:00January 27th, 2022|Our View, Women's Economic Prosperity|

“Great workshop! Addressing barriers that women face when it comes to financial literacy, empowerment and independence is such a powerful tool. I hope to see more opportunities like this in the future”, shared an attendee of the Everything You Need to Know About Investing workshops we held on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. [...]

MEDIA RELEASE: Financial empowerment provides safety and stability for women

2022-03-08T09:34:14-07:00January 25th, 2022|Press Releases, Women's Economic Prosperity|

For Immediate Release January 25, 2022 (Calgary, AB) –Helping women of all ages kick off 2022 financially confident, YW Calgary is hosting a series of educational workshops this week about investing and building healthy financial habits. These expert-led events are hosted by YW’s Women’s Economic Prosperity program that delivers programs which empower women to [...]