Budgeting: Control Your Money by Momentum

YW Hub facility - 2nd floor - YW Employment Resource Centre 1715 17 Avenue SE, Calgary

Understand the differences between needs and wants and how it affects your spending habits. Learn to track your expense and put together a budget. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORKSHOPS. Please register for workshops by contacting us via email: employment@ywcalgary.ca or Call us at 403-705-7543.


Baby Babble

YW Calgary Online (Virtual) 1715 17 Ave. S.E., Calgary

A PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR INFANTS & CAREGIVERS. When: Fridays, January 31 - February 28, 2020 Ages: 6 Weeks – 18 Months Moms, dads & other caregivers, come explore with your infant and learn about the different ways you can support their development. Some sessions will include special topics or drop-in to explore and play with your [...]
