All Day

Family Psycho-Educational Group


New! Family Psycho-Education Groups with registration and Joining Sessions in October, Education Day November 7th, and follow up sessions through to early December. • Mental Wellness & Kids (ages 7+): This group will provide parents and caregivers with information about mental wellness and children. Each session will provide participants with information to better understand mental [...]

Virtual Session: Parenting Styles – Aligning Styles


Everybody has a parenting style, what’s yours? This FREE workshop will help parents/ caregivers identity their own parenting style as well as the style of their co-parent/ caregiver and will help participants find ways to align those parenting styles in ways that benefit children. This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a [...]

Virtual Session: Teen Dating Violence and Internet Safety


Did you know that the internet is where teens first learn about intimate relationships? This workshop will explore how we can keep our teens safe from the risks in the internet world and ways we can support our teens to engage in healthy relationships. This is a free workshop brought to you by the YW [...]