All Day

Family Psycho-Educational Group


New! Family Psycho-Education Groups with registration and Joining Sessions in October, Education Day November 7th, and follow up sessions through to early December. • Mental Wellness & Kids (ages 7+): This group will provide parents and caregivers with information about mental wellness and children. Each session will provide participants with information to better understand mental [...]

Virtual Workshop Online Learning Resources (FREE access)


Learn about online free resources. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WORKSHOPS. Please register for workshops by contacting us via email: or Call us at 403-206-2764.


Virtual Session: Risky Play


What is Risky Play? What does it look like? This workshop will explore definitions and types of risky play and what that looks like for young children.  We will learn how risk-taking play can expand children's healthy development as well as build strong foundations for exploring and learning about their world. This is a Family [...]

Virtual Session: Parent Chat


Being a parent is hard and we just can never learn enough from others that have been parents, too.  You are invited to our open discussion, inviting all parents and caregivers to chat about different topics related to parenting and child development. October topics include: Intentional Parenting Book Club - Chapter One: Whole Brain Child [...]