Bedtime Stories (ages 0-12)
Bedtime Stories (ages 0-12)
Curl up with you child and enjoy some bonding time during our special Bedtime edition of Story Time. Register
Curl up with you child and enjoy some bonding time during our special Bedtime edition of Story Time. Register
Learn how to use empathy and connecting words to build a strong attachment with your child. These skills truly are the life-long key to being emotionally healthy. The whole family will benefit! Register
Planning ahead and being proactive with our routines can help you, your child and your family thrive in any season. This session will provide caregivers with a framework of understanding the importance of routines and expectations, how to implement them and how to use them to grow more connected with your child. This is a [...]
This workshop will help parents/ caregivers identity their own parenting style as well as the style of their co-parent/ caregiver and will help participants find ways to align those parenting styles in ways that benefit children. Register
Talking with your baby is the best way to help their brain grow. Join us for an information session as we introduce what LENA Start is and how we can increase children’s language development and so much more! Register
Join us as we read aloud to the children and learn about the benefits of this fun and easy activity. Different stories will be featured each week. Register
This workshop will explore a variety of ways to create and foster an emotionally safe environment for families and support parents and caregivers to feel empowered to teach our little ones their entitled rights to a safe environment. Register
Whether you have one child, or too many to count, it can be tough to engage with your child intentionally when it feels like there’s not enough time in your day. We want our kids to feel known, loved, and valued… but where do you even begin? This session will cover some basic tools for [...]
Join us for an interactive, in-person session around S.T.E.A.M. activities! We will explore children's creativity by encouraging them to think critically, problem-solve, and indulge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Register
Figuring out the right choice for childcare for you and your family is difficult. Join us in learning more about childcare in Alberta. We will learn about different types of care, what to look for in quality care and how to take the first steps in making your decision. Register
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! STEM curriculum has been booming in schools, but did you know we can teach STEAM to our little ones as well? This workshop will explore different ways to introduce STEAM to our children during the early years and how we can support cognitive development! Register
Looking for easy ways to stimulate children’s creativity? Join us for easy crafts using readily available materials and learn some ways to make the most of this time with your child. Register
We are starting a new book! Connected Parenting: How to Raise a Great Kid by Jennifer Kolari. Jennifer’s CALM method for responding to unwanted behavior will help parents connect with their child in any situation to reduce anxiety, de-escalate tantrums instantly and increase self-esteem. Insightful and empowering, Connected Parenting is filled with step-by-step advice and examples from [...]
Come join us for morning coffee time, with meaningful conversation and a safe place to be real with other moms. Whether you’re looking for peer support, or needing practical tips you are more than welcome to join our community! This session will highlight a mother’s role, but is not limited for those who do not [...]
This workshop, presented by YW’s Family Resource Network will support parents and caregivers in understanding how to support children through grief and disappointment. Whether something disappointing has happened, or they’ve lost a loved one, it can be hard to know how to help your child. This session will cover different levels of child development and [...]
Do you have a tween or teen who is dating? Did you know the internet is where teens first learn about intimate relationships? This workshop will explore how we can keep our youth safe from the internet world and ways we can support our teens to engage in healthy relationships. Register
Did you know nutrition and dental health are closely connected? We will explore a bit more on how different nutrients that we eat can help make our teeth stronger. We have a special guest speaker from the Alex and she will share how to keep your little one’s teeth healthy and strong with their food [...]
Making Sleep Happen (ages 3m-3Y): Helping your little one sleep can feel like an uphill battle. Join us as we learn from Counting Sheep Sleep Coach, Jane Anderson. If you’re interested in learning about sleep training, routines, tips and how to make sleep happen, this session is for you. Register
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
This workshop with provide parents and caregivers more information on potty learning, when/if children are ready, and strategies on helping children feel confident with using the potty. Register
How do we promote active play? Invite your children to join you as we use materials from our home and learn how to move our bodies to stay active! Register
For generations, children have used found objects to explore and expand their curiosity, imagination and creativity. In this digital age, come learn about how 'loose parts' can engage children in infinite play possibilities with materials already existing in our environments. Discover more about loose parts, how it can build children's development and how to start [...]
This workshop will help parents and caregivers identify bullying behaviors, recognize the signs that their child is being bullied, and teach their children skills to stand up for themselves and others. This workshop will focus specifically on physical and verbal bullying and is geared to parents of preschool and elementary aged children. Register
What is a consequence and does it work for our children? Have you tried "time out" or "consequences" but weren't successful? In this session, we will explore different types of consequences that are age and developmentally appropriate, and we will explore when, where, and how, we can give consequences to our children. Register
Nutrition during the first Months and getting ready to start solids (ages 0-6 months): Questions about breast or formula feeding? What are the signs of readiness for solids? Register
Join us for an evening of community, honest conversation, and discussion about the reality of fatherhood in today’s world. How can fathers challenge social norms of parenting and grow in their ability to connect meaningfully with their children. This session will highlight a father’s role, but is not limited for those who do not identify [...]
Winter is here and there is so much fun to look forward to! Join us at the YW Hub as we explore various activities with snow (both indoors and out)! Register
This workshop will provide parents with information about anxiety and children. Learn information about the difference between anxiety versus other uncomfortable emotions and how you can support your anxious child. Register
YW Family Champions and Birth and Babies are collaborating! Please join us for a casual chat group where you can meet with an Alberta Health Services childbirth educator and connect with other parents on the topics of pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding / feeding your baby, infant sleep, newborn care, transition to parenthood and early [...]
Every parent hopes their children will have a strong relationship with one another, but we may feel that we spend most of our time being the referee in their disagreements instead! In this workshop, we will explore sibling dynamics and discuss how to decrease those fights and help your children value and form healthy relationships [...]
With its cold days and short periods of daylight, winter can be rough. It can be tempting to curl up and hibernate until May! Join us to learn all the wonderful activities winter has to offer so you can beat those winter blahs and even enjoy winter. Register
This workshop, offered by YW’s Family Access Services will provide parents and caregivers with evidence-based information, support and resources that will help build the skills to positively, effectively guide, and support children’s behaviours. Register
Our staff will be in touch to book your appointment time and provide the details to all that register. Register
This workshop will answer, what are the foods to offer first and what foods to avoid and why? Register
Bring the whole family down for an afternoon of ice skating, hot chocolate, treats, and fun connecting with other families. Register
Looking to fill the time on your PD Day? Get outside and beat the cold with a winter scavenger hunt at Pearce Estates Park. What can we find hiding in the snow? Register
Looking for easy ways to stimulate children’s creativity? Join us for easy crafts using readily available materials and learn some ways to make the most of this time with your child. Register
Curl up with your child and enjoy some bonding time during our special Bedtime edition of Story Time. Register
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
It’s been a tough school year for many students, changing and adapting to different learning methods as we shifted through the pandemic. As we finally return to school, our children are pressured more than ever with lots of uncertainties. This session will explore the most common factors of school pressure and how we can support [...]
Ever wonder what your teenager is thinking? Or why they are behaving in such a way? Come join us to learn about teenage brain development and investigate together! Register
What to do about food refusal? How do I know that my child is eating enough? What is the Feeding Relationship and how to use this to cope with mealtime struggles and create positive mealtimes? Join us to learn more. Register
Join us as we read aloud to the children and learn about the benefits of this fun and easy activity. Different stories will be featured each week. Register
This workshop will explore different definitions of physical literacy and what that looks like for young children. Facilitators will share information on how being active benefits children for their healthy development (including their brain development) as well as building strong foundations that will help them thrive and stay active for life. Register
Are you an anxious parent? Do you find yourself worrying about getting it right or doing the wrong thing? Join us as we learn more about why we create these expectations over ourselves and how to grow in emotional and mental well-being Register
These events run daily throughout the current month.
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