Story Time (ages 0-6)
Story Time (ages 0-6)
Join us as we read aloud to the children and learn about the benefits of this fun and easy activity. Different stories will be featured each week. Register
Join us as we read aloud to the children and learn about the benefits of this fun and easy activity. Different stories will be featured each week. Register
Fuel your child’s creativity and sense of exploration with us. We are exploring loose parts together which are open-ended materials that have unlimited possibilities. Then bring these ideas home with you for extended play at home. Register
Join us for an interactive, in-person session around S.T.E.A.M. activities! We will explore children's creativity by encouraging them to think critically, problem-solve, and indulge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Register
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
Kimochi means feelings in Japanese. Join us for a one hour session to learn about the 6-week interactive group for 3-5-year-olds (siblings welcome) and their parent/caregiver. Through songs, activities and our Kimochi friends, families will learn ways to deal with big feelings that will build upon brain connections and make attachments stronger. Register
Talking with your baby is the best way to help their brain grow. Family Champion Program is launching the next LENA Start program in fall 2022. Join us for an information session as we introduce what LENA Start is and how we can increase children’s language development and so much more! RegisterRegister
What is adventurous play? What does it look like? What does it mean? This workshop will explore definitions and types of adventurous play and what that looks like for young children. We will learn how risk- taking play can expand children’s healthy development as well as build strong foundations for exploring and learning about their [...]
What is Adventurous Play? What does it look like? What does it mean? This workshop will explore definitions and types of risky play and what that looks like for young children. We will learn how risk-taking play can expand children’s healthy development as well as build strong foundations for exploring and learning about their world. [...]
Come join us for coffee time, with meaningful conversation and a safe place to be real with other moms. Whether you’re looking for peer support or needing practical tips you are more than welcome to join our community! This session will highlight a mother’s role but is not limited to those who do not identify [...]
Art Connection! Come and connect with your teen over art! This 7-week, interactive program will provide unique art-based activities for you and your teen to work on while having facilitator led discussions focusing on topics like healthy relationships, healthy communication, and emotional awareness. Through art and conversation, we will work on building connection and open [...]
…and why is it important? Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. Register
Being a parent is hard and we just can never learn enough from others that have been parents, too. You are invited to our open discussion, inviting all parents and caregivers to chat about different topics related to parenting and child development. Register
This workshop will explore different definitions of physical literacy and what that looks like for young children. Facilitators will share information on how being active benefits children for their healthy development (including their brain development) as well as builds strong foundations that will help them thrive and stay active for life! Register
This workshop will explore different definitions of physical literacy and what that looks like for young children. Facilitators will share information on how being active benefits children for their healthy development (including their brain development) as well as building strong foundations that will help them thrive and stay active for life! Register
Fuel your child’s creativity and sense of exploration with us. We are exploring loose parts together which are open-ended materials that have unlimited possibilities. Then bring these ideas home with you for extended play at home. Register
This workshop provides parents or caregivers with information about youth and cyberbullying. Together we will discuss ways to talk to your child about cyberbullying and strategies for developing resilient online children. Register
Did you know your child can be also stressed just like any of us? During this session, we will explore different types of stresses children experience and how it affects their development, followed by a group discussion about strategies for developing resilient children. Register
Talking with your baby is the best way to help their brain grow. Family Champion Program is launching the next LENA Start program in fall 2022. Join us for an information session as we introduce what LENA Start is and how we can increase children’s language development and so much more! RegisterRegister
Art Connection! Come and connect with your teen over art! This 7-week, interactive program will provide unique art-based activities for you and your teen to work on while having facilitator led discussions focusing on topics like healthy relationships, healthy communication, and emotional awareness. Through art and conversation, we will work on building connection and open [...]
This workshop will help parents/caregivers identity their own parenting style as well as the style of their co-parent/ caregiver and will help participants find ways to align those parenting styles in ways that benefit children. Register
As a parent we have all kinds of real and perceived expectations, some that we are able to meet and others that we can’t or won’t, which can bring us all kinds of parental guilt. In this parent chat, we are going to talk about those places where we feel guilt and learn strategies for [...]
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
RegisterRegister An interactive session where you and your child/youth learn to prepare a healthy, affordable meal, while participating in facilitator led conversations around topics that impact our children and youth today and how we can best support them. Maximum 10 participants. Register
Come join us for coffee time, with meaningful conversation and a safe place to be real with other moms. Whether you’re looking for peer support or needing practical tips you are more than welcome to join our community! This session will highlight a mother’s role but is not limited to those who do not identify [...]
Art Connection! Come and connect with your teen over art! This 7-week, interactive program will provide unique art-based activities for you and your teen to work on while having facilitator led discussions focusing on topics like healthy relationships, healthy communication, and emotional awareness. Through art and conversation, we will work on building connection and open [...]
Do you have a child who will be entering school for the first time this year, moving up to the next phase in school, or are you new to the city? Then this workshop is for you! We will explore all the different educational options in Calgary, and discuss things to consider when choosing a [...]
With its cold days and short periods of daylight, winter can be rough. It can be tempting to curl up and hibernate until May! Join us to learn all the wonderful activities winter has to offer so you can beat those winter blahs and even enjoy winter. Register
Learn how to use empathy and connecting words to build a strong attachment with your child. These skills truly are the life-long key of being emotionally healthy. The whole family will benefit! Register
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
All families experience stress at times. In this session we will learn more about healthy and unhealthy coping strategies for parents, children, and teens, that we use when we are stressed, upset, scared, or feeling out of control. Register
What do healthy relationships look like for our teen children that are gaining independence and entering the world of dating? Join us for a discussion to guide parenting our teens. Register
Come and connect with your teen over art! This 7-week, interactive program will provide unique art-based activities for you and your teen to work on while having facilitator led discussions focusing on topics like healthy relationships, healthy communication, and emotional awareness. Through art and conversation, we will work on building connections and open communication between [...]
Art Connection! Come and connect with your teen over art! This 7-week, interactive program will provide unique art-based activities for you and your teen to work on while having facilitator led discussions focusing on topics like healthy relationships, healthy communication, and emotional awareness. Through art and conversation, we will work on building connection and open [...]
What do healthy relationships look like for our teen children that are gaining independence and entering the world of dating? Join us for a discussion to guide parenting our teens. Register
Calling all those who identify as dads and grandfathers! Are you looking to spend some 1:1 time with your little one and in need of a fun, interactive space? Join us for engaging activities to spend some quality time with your little ones. Register
These events run daily throughout the current month.
If you would like to know more about the programs and services offered by YWCA, you can fill out the form below and we will email you further information about the chosen topics.