Infant Feeding Series: Introducing Solids to Your Baby (ages 6-12 months)
Virtual - Family Resource Network Calgary, Alberta, CanadaWhat are the foods to offer first and what foods to avoid and why? Register
What are the foods to offer first and what foods to avoid and why? Register
Children who are not yet verbal still communicate in different ways. Join us to learn more about various means of non-verbal communication and how to communicate effectively with your pre-verbal or non-verbal child. Register
Did you know your child can be also stressed just like any of us? During this session, we will explore different types of stresses children experience and how it affects their development, followed by a group discussion about strategies for developing resilient children Register
YW Family Champions and Birth and Babies are collaborating! Please join us for a casual chat group where you can meet with an Alberta Health Services childbirth educator and connect with other parents on the topics of pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding / feeding your baby, infant sleep, newborn care, transition to parenthood and early [...]
Join us in person as children explore different materials and learn new skills each week to spark their imagination and create something truly unique. Register
Different topics for each session. Being a parent is super hard and we just can never talk enough about it! You’re invited to our open discussion, inviting all parents and caregivers to chat around different topics around parenting and child development. As a parent we have all kinds of real and perceived expectations, some that [...]
What to do about food refusal? How do I know that my child is eating enough? What is the Feeding Relationship and how to use this to cope with mealtime struggles and create positive mealtimes? Register
Join us for an evening of community, honest conversation, and discussion about the reality of fatherhood in today’s world. How can fathers challenge social norms of parenting and grow in their ability to connect meaningfully with their children. This session will highlight a father’s role but is not limited for those who do not identify [...]
Helping your little one sleep can feel like an uphill battle. Join us as we learn from Counting Sheep Sleep Coach, Jane Anderson. If you’re interested in learning about sleep training, routines, tips and how to make sleep happen, this session is for you. Register
This FREE Child Safety Seat information session is intended to provide parents and caregivers information on how to correctly install a child safety seat and to transport children safely in a vehicle. It also provides an overview of the law in Alberta regarding occupant restraints and is taught by trained volunteers through the Community Services [...]