Kids Create (ages 2 – 6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Join us in person as children explore different materials and learn new skills each week to spark their imagination and create something truly unique. Register


Parent Chat: Engaging in Hard Conversations (ages 7 – 17)

YW Calgary Online (Virtual) 1715 17 Ave. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Being a parent is hard and we just can never learn enough from others that have been parents, too.  You are invited to our open discussion, inviting all parents and caregivers to chat about different topics related to parenting and child development. Register


Managing Parental Anxiety (ages 0 – 17)

YW Calgary Online (Virtual) 1715 17 Ave. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Parents will have an opportunity to learn more about anxiety, worry and stress and identify these in their own life as well as learn some tools for managing parental anxiety. Register


Sensory Play for Little Ones (ages 0 – 6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register


Story and Rhyme (ages 2 – 6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Join us for our in-person story and rhyme time. We will explore our favourite songs, rhymes and stories together and you can bring new ideas home with you. Register


What is Empathy? (ages 0 – 17)

YW Calgary Online (Virtual) 1715 17 Ave. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Learn how to use empathy and connecting words to build a strong attachment with your child. These skills truly are the life-long key of being emotionally healthy.  The whole family will benefit! Register


Building your Teens Self Esteem (ages 12 – 17)

YW Calgary Online (Virtual) 1715 17 Ave. S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The adolescent years are a time when self-esteem can fluctuate wildly. This workshop will explore what self-esteem is, what impacts self-esteem, and how we can help our teens have a healthy sense of self and have confidence in themselves and their abilities. Register


Loose Parts Play (ages 0-6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Fuel your child’s creativity and sense of exploration with us. We are exploring loose parts together which are open-ended materials that have unlimited possibilities. Then bring these ideas home with you for extended play at home.   Register


Music and Movement (ages 18m – 6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

How do we promote active play? Invite your children to join you as we use materials from our home and learn how to move our bodies to stay active! Register


My Tween & Me (ages 7-12)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

My Tween and Me is an 8-week, facilitated closed group program that provides parents and their tweens with the knowledge, tools and support they need during the child’s transition to adolescence. Offered to parents/caregivers and their children aged 7 through 12, the program strengthens parent-child communication and supports parents in building a positive relationship with [...]
