Music and Movement (ages 18m-6)
YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaWe will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories. The focus is creative, emotional expression. Register
We will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories. The focus is creative, emotional expression. Register
Welcome to our new mindfulness series! On the first Wednesday of the month, we will take a look at what mindfulness is, its benefits, how to practice it, and how it can help you as a parent. Then we will have a brief mindfulness practice. The series continues Wednesdays at noon where we will practice [...]
“They always took care of the bills and budget and whatnot. I don’t know how to do that!” “We always watched this TV show because they liked it. I’m not sure that I do though” Let’s talk about those things! How do you take care of yourself now? Who are you without them? How will [...]
Grounding after a busy day. Come join us in a gentle yoga practice to help you and your kids ground and connect to release the stresses of your busy day. Namaste! Register
This introductory session is aimed to provide caregivers with an overview of common issues which impact youth mental health. Caregivers will learn about common mental health issues amongst youth and learn about the signs and symptoms of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, and other behavioural disorders. Facilitators will discuss youth social [...]
The YW is supported by donations of soup every month from Calgary Soup Sisters and Broth Brothers.
The first three years are a time of tremendous learning and brain development, and little ones learn primarily through their 5 senses. This interactive workshop will explore a variety of ways that parents can play with their infants and toddlers and engage their senses to promote attachment and build their brains. Register
Coffee and Play is a program that provides a safe and supportive environment where caregivers can bring their little ones to explore and engage in a variety of play activities, and come together with others to discuss their challenges, share their experiences, and learn from one another. During each session, participants will be provided with [...]
This workshop will provide parents and caregivers with evidence-based information, support and resources that will help build the skills too positively, effectively guide, and support children’s behaviours. Participants will learn new and innovative strategies for positive behaviour guidance and understand the impact of separation, divorce and other family conflict has on children’s development, and will [...]
This session is designed for parents who are involved in any supervised access parenting program. In this workshop we go over navigating our emotions about supervised parenting time, navigating our children's emotions, how missed parenting time affect our children, and how to prepare ourselves and our children for our time together. This workshop is suitable [...]