Parent Child Mother Goose (ages 0 – 2)
YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaSinging, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
LENA Start is a program for parents that uses regular feedback from LENA’s “talk pedometer” technology to help increase interactive talk in order to close the early talk gap, improve school readiness, and build stronger families. This is a 10-week, closed group for families with children ages 0 - 4 from April 19th to June 21st [...]
Get support developing resumes and cover letters, mock interviews, salary negotiations and creating an online professional presence. Learn how to search and apply for jobs online. Receive support with securing employment and maintaining employment.
Separation, divorce, and family restructuring can bring about a variety of different changes and challenges for both children and their families. Participants in this workshop will learn more about recognizing and understanding children’s needs and emotions during difficult times. Additionally, participant will recognize positive conflict management skills to support their children through difficult times. This [...]
This introductory session is aimed to provide caregivers with an overview of common issues which impact youth mental health. Caregivers will learn about common mental health issues amongst youth and learn about the signs and symptoms of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, and other behavioural disorders. Facilitators will discuss youth social [...]
This workshop will examine the specific challenges that family restructuring can bring and focus on strategies to promote self-care in adults and children to enhance overall family well-being during separation and divorce. Participants will learn strategies and develop tools to keep themselves and their children emotionally safer through family transitions, as well as recognizing the [...]
What do healthy relationships look like for our teen children that are gaining independence and entering the world of dating? Join us for a discussion to guide parenting our teens. Register
Learning how to move forward and navigate a co-parenting arrangement amongst changing relationships can be difficult. Join us to learn more about common challenges associated to co-parenting, the benefits of establishing a healthy co-parenting arrangement and different strategies and ideas for making co-parenting more manageable. This program is free of charge and open to parents [...]
This session is designed for parents who are involved in any supervised access parenting program. In this workshop we go over navigating our emotions about supervised visits, navigating our children's emotions, how missed visits affect our children, and how to prepare ourselves and our children for the visits. This program is free of charge and [...]
We will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories. The focus is creative, emotional expression. Register