Virtual Session: Resilience: Exploring Childhood Experiences

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This workshop provides parents or caregivers with information about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research and we discuss strategies for developing resilient children. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention services and supports for families with young children [...]

Virtual Session: Busy Bodies

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

How do we promote active play? Invite your children (ages 2-8) as we use materials from our homes and learn how to move our bodies to stay active! This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention services and [...]

Virtual Session: Parent Chat – Gender & Sexuality

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This session will provide parents with an overview of sexual and gender diversity and how you can support your child as they inquire, question, and wonder about life within the LGBTQ2S+ rainbow. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and [...]

Virtual Session: Restful Routines

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Restful sleep is important for good health. This virtual workshop will talk about building a sleep routine that works for your kids so that everybody can get a good night’s rest. This workshop is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and [...]

Virtual Session: Play Planning

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

What does play look like for you?  In this session, we will explore what it means to plan 'purposeful play' for our children, so we can incorporate learning into play. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention [...]

Virtual Session: Parent Chat – Family Transition

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Are you planning to have your second, third, or fourth child? Do you ever wonder how your child processes the transition of becoming a brother or sister? Come join us to explore, chat, discuss, and learn about different strategies for parents & caregivers to ease the transition of becoming an older sister or brother! This [...]

Virtual Session: Krafty Kids

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Looking for easy ways to stimulate children’s creativity? Join us virtually for easy crafts using readily available materials and learn some ways to make the most of this time with your child. This program is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service [...]

Virtual Session: Managing Parental Anxiety

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This workshop will define parental anxiety, discuss how it manifest in our lives, and share some strategies for managing our anxiety to allow us to be more present for our children. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and [...]

Virtual Session: Parent Chat – Bellies and Babies

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

YW Family Champions and Birth and Babies are collaborating! Please join us for a casual chat group where you can meet with an Alberta Health Services childbirth educator and connect with other parents on the topics of pregnancy, labour and birth, breastfeeding / feeding your baby, infant sleep, newborn care, transition to parenthood and [...]

Virtual Session: What Are They Thinking? Early Childhood Brain Development

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Are you new to brain science and child development? Do you have a little one, and want to better understand their brain development? This session is for you. We will be covering three developmental stages: infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Come and learn about your child’s brain development during these crucial years and how you help [...]