Family Yoga: Starting the day off Right (ages 0-4)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Come join us in a gentle yoga practice to learn about poses that will help your baby with digestion and sleep. This is an opportunity to connect and create a strong healthy bond with your baby while enjoying a gentle stretch for yourself. Namaste! In this session, a guest facilitator will lead families into a state [...]


Bring’n the Sing’n (ages 0-6)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Rhymes, stories, and songs. Bring your little on, to come and sing along! Dance, move, get into the grove. Build your attachment in a fun, loving way. This class will make you and your baby’s day!! Register


Strides Forward Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

Learning how to move forward and navigate a co-parenting arrangement amongst changing relationships can be difficult. Join Family Access Services to learn more about common challenges associated to co-parenting, the benefits of establishing a healthy co-parenting arrangement and different strategies and ideas for making co-parenting more manageable. Free Virtual Email to register:

Early Experiences Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

This workshop will explore the impact of family violence and other family conflict on children is developing brains. Stress and anxiety can be healthy responses to difficult situations for children, but when stress and anxiety is prolonged and frequent it can lead to negative health outcomes for children as they grow. Participants in this [...]

Canada’s Divorce Act Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

Changes to Canada’s federal Divorce Act came into effect in March of 2021. Come join YW’s Family Access Services team to learn more about these changes and the impact they may have on Canadian families experiencing separation and divorce. Participants will learn more about the impact of family conflict on children, describe how the changes [...]

Understanding Influences Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

Conflict can have a profound impact on children’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. In this workshop we will explore the impacts of family conflict on the developing brain, and how we, as important adults in a child’s life, can resolve family conflict in ways that help children learn appropriate conflict-resolution skills and build resiliency. [...]

Coffee and Playtime Collaboration with AHS Community Services–Postpartum (ages 0 – 17)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Join us for an open discussion about postpartum experiences, led by a social worker from AHS who will guide the conversation around the emotional, physical, and mental challenges that new parents often face. This supportive environment encourages sharing and learning from each other's journeys. Register


Constructing Consistency Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

This workshop will provide parents and caregivers with evidence-based information, support and resources that will help build the skills too positively, effectively guide, and support children’s behaviours. Participants will learn new and innovative strategies for positive behaviour guidance and understand the impact of separation, divorce and other family conflict has on children’s development, and will [...]

Recognize and Respond Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

Separation, divorce and family restructuring can bring about a variety of different changes and challenges for both children and their families. Participants in this workshop will learn more about recognizing and understanding children’s needs and emotions during difficult times. Additionally, participant will explore different strategies and skills to be able to more effectively respond to [...]

Understanding Influences Workshop

Virtual- Strengthening Families

This year has been stressful for many, but especially so for families who are experiencing separation and divorce. Come join YW’s Family Access Services team to examine the specific challenges that family restructuring can bring and focus on strategies to promote self-care in adults and children to enhance overall family well-being during separation and divorce. [...]