Virtual Session: It’s Potty Time

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This FREE workshop on toilet training will provide parents and caregivers with more information on potty learning, deciding when/if children are ready and helping children feel confident with using the potty. This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention [...]

Virtual Session: Krafty Kids

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Looking for easy ways to stimulate children’s creativity? Join us virtually for easy crafts using readily available materials and learn some ways to make the most of this time with your child. This program is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers [...]

Virtual Session: Teen Dating Violence & Internet Safety

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Did you know that the internet is where teens first learn about intimate relationships? This workshop will explore how we can keep our teens safe from the risks in the internet world and ways we can support our teens to engage in healthy relationships. This is a free workshop brought to you by the YW [...]

Virtual Session: What is Attachment?

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

What is attachment and why is it important? Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early [...]

Anxiety and Kids

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A FREE program for parents to help their kids with stress and anxiety. This workshop will provide parents with information about anxiety and children.  Learn information about the difference between anxiety versus other uncomfortable emotions and how you can support your child. This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group [...]

Virtual Session: Resilience Series: Stressful Experiences & Child Development

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Did you know your child can also be stressed just like any of us? During this session, we will explore different types of stresses children experience and how it affects their development. This program is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers [...]

Virtual Session: Family Activity – Holly Jolly Holiday Celebration

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

We welcome all families to join us for a celebration of diverse holidays with a storybook reading, parent-child interaction, and themed activity! This is a session you and your child won’t want to miss! This program is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based [...]

Virtual Session: Parenting Styles: Aligning Styles

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Everybody has a parenting style, what’s yours? This FREE workshop will help parents/ caregivers identity their own parenting style as well as the style of their co-parent/ caregiver and will help participants find ways to align those parenting styles in ways that benefit children. This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a [...]

Virtual Session: Healthy Coping Strategies for Parents

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This workshop will provide you with practical strategies for managing day to day stressors of balancing the many hats we wear as parents and caregivers. This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention services and supports for families with [...]

Virtual Session: Lunch and Learn – Parent Chat – Bellies and Babies

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

YW Family Champions and Birth and Babies are collaborating! Please join us for a casual chat group where you can meet with an Alberta Health Services childbirth educator and connect with other parents on the topics of pregnancy, labour and birth, breastfeeding / feeding your baby, infant sleep, newborn care, transition to parenthood and early [...]