Play Planning (ages 0-6)
Play Planning (ages 0-6)
What does play look like for you? In this session, we will explore what it means to plan ‘purposeful play’ for our children, so we can incorporate learning into play! Register
What does play look like for you? In this session, we will explore what it means to plan ‘purposeful play’ for our children, so we can incorporate learning into play! Register
Figuring out the right choice for childcare for you and your family is difficult. Join us in learning more about childcare in Alberta. We will learn about different types of care, what to look for in quality care and how to take the first steps in making your decision. Register
…and why is it important? Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. Register
This workshop will help parents and caregivers identify bullying behaviors, recognize the signs that their child is being bullied, and teach their children skills to stand up for themselves and others. This workshop will focus specifically on physical and verbal bullying and is geared to parents of preschool and elementary-aged children. Register
Being a parent requires us to have many skills and abilities that we did not even know we needed! Join us to learn about how to fill your parental toolbox with strategies for dealing with those challenging child and adolescent moments. Register
Are you an anxious parent? Do you find yourself worrying about getting it right or doing the wrong thing? Join us as we learn more about why we create these expectations over ourselves and how to grow in emotional and mental well-being Register
These events run daily throughout the current month.
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