Play Planning (ages 0-6)
Play Planning (ages 0-6)
What does play look like for you? In this session, we will explore what it means to plan ‘purposeful play’ for our children, so we can incorporate learning into play! Register
What does play look like for you? In this session, we will explore what it means to plan ‘purposeful play’ for our children, so we can incorporate learning into play! Register
…and why is it important? Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. Register
We will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories on different children’s rights. The focus is creative, emotional expression (children’s right to expression and play). Register
Increase your confidence in talking with your children about sexuality and relationships. We will explore family values about sexuality and how to communicate these to your children. We will discuss why you should talk with your child about sexuality; your child's physical, mental, emotional, and social development; and how to give easy answers to tough [...]
These events run daily throughout the current month.
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