
Building Your Parental Toolbox

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Being a parent requires us to have many skills and abilities that we did not even know we needed! Join us to learn about how to fill your parental toolbox with strategies for dealing with those challenging child and adolescent moments. This is a FREE Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a […]


Understanding Challenging Behaviour

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This virtual workshop will look at the link between strong emotions and impulsive behaviour in children. Facilitators will share information to build understanding around what drives challenging behaviour and some different ways to respond. This program is free! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers […]


Parent Chat: Learning, Practicing and Modelling Assertiveness

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Join us for guided conversation about communication styles and what it means to both be assertive and teaching your children to be assertive too! This is a Family Resource Network workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention services and supports for families with young children and […]


Anxiety & Kids: Info for Parents

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A FREE program for parents to help their kids with stress and anxiety. This workshop will provide parents with information about anxiety and children.  Learn information about the difference between anxiety versus other uncomfortable emotions and how you can support your child. This is a Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a […]


What Are They Thinking? Decoding the Teenage Brain

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Ever wonder what your teenager is thinking? Or why they are behaving in such a way? Come join us to learn about teenage brain development and investigate together! This is a FREE Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early intervention services […]


Parenting Styles: Aligning Styles

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Everybody has a parenting style, what’s yours? This FREE workshop will help parents/ caregivers identity their own parenting style as well as the style of their co-parent/ caregiver and will help participants find ways to align those parenting styles in ways that benefit children. This is a Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family [...]


Healthy Boundaries Setting

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The ability to set healthy boundaries is a skill that adults and children alike can benefit from.  Healthy boundaries allow us to ask for what we need and set limits in a way that is respectful of ourselves and others in our life.  This parent chat will focus on identifying, strategizing and practicing setting healthy […]


Healthy Coping Strategies for Kids

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

How can we help our children to cope during these times of change? This workshop will provide parents and caregivers with practical and easy strategies for helping our children manage their stressors. This is a Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention and early […]


S.T.E.A.M. for Little Ones

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! STEAM curriculum has been booming in schools, but did you know we can teach STEAM to our little ones as well? This workshop will explore different ways to introduce STEAM to our children during the early years and how we can support cognitive development! This is a Family Resource […]


Teen (and Tween) Dating & Internet Safety

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Did you know that the internet is where teens first learn about intimate relationships? This workshop will explore how we can keep our teens safe from the risks in the internet world and ways we can support our teens to engage in healthy relationships. This is a free workshop brought to you by the YW […]