Parent Child Mother Goose (ages 0 – 2)
Parent Child Mother Goose (ages 0 – 2)
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
An interactive session where you and your child/youth learn to prepare a healthy, affordable meal while participating in facilitator-led conversations around topics that impact our children and youth today and how we can best support them. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE Register
We will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories. The focus is creative, emotional expression. Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Coffee and Play is a program that provides a safe and supportive environment where caregivers can bring their little ones to explore and engage in a variety of play activities, and come together with others to discuss their challenges, share their experiences, and learn from one another. During each session, participants will be provided with [...]
Nutrition During the First Months and Getting Ready to Start Solids (ages 0-6 mos.): Questions about breast or formula feeding? What are the signs of readiness for solids? Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Introducing Solids to your Baby (ages 6 – 12 mos.): What are the foods to offer first and what foods to avoid and why? Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Coffee and Play is a program that provides a safe and supportive environment where caregivers can bring their little ones to explore and engage in a variety of play activities, and come together with others to discuss their challenges, share their experiences, and learn from one another. During each session, participants will be provided with [...]
Creating Healthy Eating Habits for a Lifetime (ages 6 mos. & up): What to do about food refusal? How do I know that my child is eating enough? What is the Feeding Relationship and how to use this to cope with mealtime struggles and create positive mealtimes? Register
Creating Healthy Eating Habits for a Lifetime (ages 6 mos. & up): What to do about food refusal? How do I know that my child is eating enough? What is the Feeding Relationship and how to use this to cope with mealtime struggles and create positive mealtimes? Register
We will be sharing the fun of different songs, rhymes, movements, and stories. The focus is creative, emotional expression. Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Singing, rhyming and story telling help build babies' brains. Come and enjoy and interactive session with your child. Register
Coffee and Play is a program that provides a safe and supportive environment where caregivers can bring their little ones to explore and engage in a variety of play activities, and come together with others to discuss their challenges, share their experiences, and learn from one another. During each session, participants will be provided with [...]
Our child's behaviours are often a form of communication. This Parent Chat series will offer parents a safe space to discuss any challenging social or emotional behaviours that they may be experiencing at home with their child. Our facilitators will offer guidance and strategies on how to better manage and support some of these challenges. [...]
These events run daily throughout the current month.
If you would like to know more about the programs and services offered by YWCA, you can fill out the form below and we will email you further information about the chosen topics.