Infant Feeding Series: Creating Healthy Eating Habits for a Lifetime (6 mos & up)

Virtual - Family Resource Network Calgary

Infant Feeding Series: March 2 -Nutrition During the First Months and Getting Ready to Start Solids (ages 0-6 mos.): Questions about breast or formula feeding? What are the signs of readiness for solids? March 9 -Introducing Solids to your Baby (ages 6 – 12 mos.): What are the foods to offer first and what foods [...]


Resilience & ACEs (ages 0 – 17)

YW Family Resource Network 1715 17 Ave SE, Calgary

 What is resilience? In this session, we will be learning about how our experiences shape who we are and how it affects us. This workshop will provide parents or caregivers with information about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how trauma can affect healthy development. Register
