20% of children spend their formative years in ‘language isolation’ lacking opportunities to engage in back-and-forth communication with adults.
According to research conducted by early-childhood development experts, language should be considered the strongest predictor of future success as students progress through their schooling.
Research since 1995 has indicated that success in school, potential career opportunities, lifetime income levels, mental and physical health and even behavioral issues like incarceration, drug use, and child abuse all hinges on the talk environment in the very first years of life.

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LENA – Language ENvironment Analysis
The LENA Start program helps combat language isolation by increasing caregiver skills and capacity and promoting nurturing relationships; therefore, accelerating child language skill development
- Infants and toddlers in LENA Start families vocalized about 50 more times each week during the program than their peers
- For every month a child’s family is in LENA Start, the child almost doubles their language/early literacy development

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About YW Calgary
YW Calgary offers a continuum of preventative and restorative services to support women, their families, and their community toward a place of wellness.
Together with our donors, government and other social agencies, we provide crisis and transitional shelter, affordable housing, counselling, parenting supports, childcare, language and economic prosperity programs that help move women from crisis to stability.