Mother’s Day

On Mother’s Day, many will take time to celebrate and appreciate the women in their lives who have nurtured and cared for them in their families. However many mothers will wake up in fear, in isolation or in poverty. It’s a bittersweet day for us at YW because we know that:
- For some mothers, there will be no flowers or brunches this Mother’s Day because their families are struggling with poverty.
- For some mothers, there will be no breakfast in bed or presents awaiting them at the kitchen table this Mother’s Day because their homes are no longer safe.
- For some mothers, they won’t spend Mother’s Day with their children because they are trapped in low-wage or part-time employment that leaves them struggling to make ends meet.
- This Mother’s Day, some mothers will get asked ‘why they stayed’ instead of being asked ‘how can we help protect you and your children?’
This Mother’s Day, help break the cycles of violence and poverty by making a gift in honour of a woman in your life.