Calgary’s Housing Crunch

2014-12-19T09:54:24-07:00December 19th, 2014|Our View|

Once again, Calgarians looking for safe and appropriate housing options were disappointed by City Council’s failure to vote in favour of legalizing secondary suites. Elsewhere in Canada secondary suites are a viable option for individuals looking for low cost housing, but Calgary seems to continue to struggle with this and leaves many out in the [...]

YWCA gives back to donors on GivingTuesday

2014-12-10T16:04:48-07:00December 10th, 2014|Our View|

This year, GivingTuesday was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the values and passions of our donors. The YWCA Resource Development team decided to give back to donors this year with a small token of their appreciation in the form of a framed poem. Three members of our resource development team discuss their experiences [...]

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

2014-12-05T12:56:09-07:00December 5th, 2014|Our View|

On December 6, 1989 at a busy college campus in Montreal Quebec, 14 women were brutally murdered by a man targeting women. The man claimed he was “fighting feminism” according to news outlets capturing the horrible event and had placed blame on “feminists” for ruining his life through political motives. Three years following the massacre, [...]

What we’re up to this Giving Tuesday

2014-12-02T09:28:45-07:00December 2nd, 2014|Our View|

December 2, 2014 is a National Giving Day known as GivingTuesday. The “opening day of the giving season,” it is a day where charities, companies and individuals join together to share commitments, rally for favourite causes and think about others. By way of celebrating, the YWCA Resource Development team has identified several donors and volunteers [...]

4th annual YWCA WHYWHISPER Fundraising Gala

2014-11-27T12:41:44-07:00November 27th, 2014|Our View|

For the fourth year, the YWCA of Calgary encouraged Calgarians to support the city’s most vulnerable women through its annual YWCA WHYWHISPER Fundraising Gala.  The gala was held on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre. The YWCA WHYWHISPER Fundraising Gala raises funds to support emergency shelter, housing, counselling and skills development [...]

Life is not a Disney movie

2014-11-10T12:47:43-07:00November 10th, 2014|Our View|

As a small girl you watch Disney movies and admire the princesses while dreaming of your own Prince Charming coming to sweep you off your feet. You dream of your wedding day, how happy and perfect it will be. What Disney doesn’t teach you, your parents teach. The teach you right from wrong; that hitting [...]

Trying to tackle the Ghomeshi topic

2014-11-06T13:15:47-07:00November 6th, 2014|Our View|

Reprinted with permission. Originally posted on the Times & Transcript on Nov. 6th, 2014. It was difficult to even begin to think about how to write this week’s column. It was a foregone conclusion that I’d be covering the allegations of sexual violence that have emerged against CBC radio darling Jian Ghomeshi, as well as [...]

November is Family Violence Prevention Month

2014-11-03T16:14:40-07:00November 3rd, 2014|Our View|

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 the YWCA Marketing & Communications team was at South Centre Mall with other agencies that comprise the communications arm of the Calgary Domestic Violence Collective (CDVC) to kick off Family Violence Prevention Month. Each year since 1986 in the town of Hinton Alberta, individuals, social service agencies and political supporters [...]

Do you know someone that needs help?

2014-10-31T13:47:56-06:00October 31st, 2014|Our View|

YWCA of Calgary would like to share this guest submission in honor of Family Violence Prevention Month: When I knew the screaming and yelling was okay…….. It’s Sunday afternoon and ‘football day’ in our house. The dogs assume their positions on the couch and my husband starts getting excited. His cheers and screams can be [...]

Speak up, speak out – are you listening?

2014-10-28T15:20:50-06:00October 28th, 2014|Our View|

An evening of inspiration; of “speaking up” and “speaking out”, the 4th Annual YWCA WHYWHISPER Fundraising Gala, featuring keynote speaker Erin Brockovich, is fast approaching. The mission of the YWCA of Calgary is to empower women in their journey, whether it is to take the steps to walk away from unhealthy relationships; finding appropriate and [...]