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Our View – The YW Blog

July 2015

Corralling our video reactions

By |July 10th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

Somewhere over the years in the midst of the horses and country music, an increase in alcohol consumption and blatant sexism became prominent components of our annual celebration of western culture, the Calgary Stampede. This[...]

June 2015

Truth and Reconciliation – We each have a role

By |June 4th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

For over a century, the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore Aboriginal rights; terminate the Treaties; and, through a process of assimilation, cause Aboriginal peoples to cease to exist[...]

May 2015

It can start at the top

By |May 25th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

You cannot be what you cannot see. So goes the motto for the 2011 documentary Miss Representation. Through a critical analysis of media portrayals, the film highlights the criticality of role models in encouraging young[...]

Mother’s Day at the YW

By |May 8th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

Mothers’ Day has a lot of meaning here at the YW. It’s bittersweet. It’s a time when our little Pandas, Bunnies, Koalas and Chipmunks are busy creating artwork and crafts that will be treasured. It’s[...]

Voting for Justice

By |May 1st, 2015|Categories: Our View|

Over the past several weeks, provincial candidates have been sharing their thoughts and opinions on the future of Alberta as they campaign for the votes we will cast on Tuesday, May 5. As this article:[...]

April 2015

Sexist assumptions limit women

By |April 24th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

Remember when Barbie told girls math was hard? In October 1992, the Teen Talk Barbie uttered the phrase “math class is tough”, a statement that awarded Mattel Inc. a great deal of criticism from American[...]

Calling for a Safe, Respectful Red Mile

By |April 23rd, 2015|Categories: Our View|

A great playoff start by our Calgary Flames is worth getting excited about but, this week, I’m also cheering the plucky upstarts behind an emerging campaign  for a Safe Red Mile. In response to reports[...]

March 2015

Fresh starts and opportunities

By |March 20th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

On the first day of spring, many of us are thinking about fresh starts, house cleaning and ideas for the garden that is yet to sprout. For many however, it is just another day when[...]

International Women’s Day

By |March 5th, 2015|Categories: Our View|

International Women’s Day is on Sunday, March 8, 2015. The first International Women's Day was observed on March 19, 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. More than one million women and men showed[...]

In Memory of Donalda Vine-Mutton

By |March 2nd, 2015|Categories: Our View|

Donalda Vine-Mutton, a long-time ambassador, alumnae and supporter of the YWCA, passed away on Friday, February 20, 2015 at 88 years of age. Donalda was connected to the YWCA for more than 60 years. In[...]

February 2015