Our View2025-02-04T11:41:23-07:00

Our View – The YW Blog

June 2018

5 years since the flood

By |June 25th, 2018|Categories: Our View|

Last week marked five years since the June floods submerged Calgary and left many of citizens and organizations in crisis mode. The YW was deeply impacted by flooding, so we spoke with Sue Tomney,[...]

Terry Crews: The triple threat

By |June 15th, 2018|Categories: Our View|

You may know him as the face of Old Spice, or as Bedlam in Deadpool 2 or as the yogurt-loving Terry Jeffords in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, we know Terry Crews as an actor, an artist, one of the most thoughtful voices[...]

May 2018

Steps Toward a Healthier Future

By |May 18th, 2018|Categories: Our View|

YW Counselling provides tools and strategies to manage strong emotions and help build healthy families. Lana Bentley, Program Operations Director, shares more about the program and how it benefits YW clients: Q: When the YW[...]

Mother’s Day

By |May 11th, 2018|Categories: Our View|Tags: , |

Mother’s Day is bittersweet day at YW. Women who find their way to YW are often fleeing abuse, experiencing poverty, homelessness or isolation. Some have left their homes because they’re no longer safe and[...]

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

Calling for change: Tina Fontaine

By |February 23rd, 2018|Categories: Our View|

More than 1,200 Indigenous women and girls have gone missing or been murdered in Canada. This number represents the number of women and girls that Canada has failed. It represents a system, a culture[...]

Healthy Relationships

By |February 9th, 2018|Categories: Our View|Tags: |

We’ve all heard about this mythical unicorn known as a healthy relationship, it is the gold standard by which we must hold every relationship too. It apparently exists somewhere in the universe, but no[...]

January 2018

Women’s March & #MeToo

By |January 26th, 2018|Categories: Our View|Tags: , |

January 2017 women from around the world came together in solidarity and marched against the hate, division and vitriol the 2016 United States election had created, leaving many fearful for their rights and their[...]

New Year, New City?

By |January 13th, 2018|Categories: Our View|

New Year, new me? That’s the kind of response we’ve been seeing over social media and in the news for the last few weeks, which got us thinking, as a women serving organization what would[...]

December 2017

Giving back this holiday season

By |December 9th, 2017|Categories: Our View|

My name is Joanne. I am originally from British Columbia, but I was born in Alberta. I came to YW Calgary through a varied route, one turn one way or another, I would not[...]