Our View – The YW Blog
December 2017
Each year the Calgary Police respond to more than 18,000 domestic conflict calls. For reference, that’s two times more than the number of break and enter calls and three times the number of stolen[...]
November 2017
A Recap: YWHISPER 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017, YW Calgary hosted our 7th annual YWHISPER Fundraising Gala featuring former lead prosecutor and women’s rights champion, Marcia Clark. The gala, held at TELUS Convention Centre was attended by more[...]
Making History on Parliament Hill
It’s not often that you get to be part of something historic, but last week a team of three from our YW were with YWCA Canada as we made history. It was the first[...]
October 2017
Celebrating the Legacy of Women
Can you name the first black woman who was elected to Calgary's city council? Did you know that the first blind woman to earn a Doctorate in Musical Arts came from Calgary? If you’re[...]
YW Wraps Up another Year of Being Bold in Calgary
One year ago today we dropped the ‘of’ and became YW Calgary. It took five years of vision, programmatic and strategic organizational change to launch a brand that represented who we are today: an[...]
We Can’t Ignore Harassment
On October 5th, three decades of alleged sexual harassment at the hands of Harvey Weinstein came to light from a New York Times expose. Media reports have highlighted the sad reality in which many[...]
Issues that Matter to Us
Voting is a critical responsibility that we all have as citizens. It’s a right, and a privilege, to have the opportunity to partake in the political process and make our democracy work. As the[...]
September 2017
Busting the myths
This week's blog post features an interview with YW's Crisis Shelter and Outreach Manager, Allison Mclauchlan. YW offers a safe place for women and children fleeing violence as they heal, and continued support as[...]
Voting Matters. No Really, It Does.
Can you name your current school board trustee? What about your city councilor? Heck, do you even know what ward you live in? Well for some, the deafening silence you’re experiencing is not uncommon,[...]
The 411 on YW’s Hub Facility
The YW Sheriff King Home crisis shelter opened in Inglewood in 1984, and after more than 30 years in the community, YW is pleased to announce we’ll be growing our presence with a new[...]
Domestic Abuse & WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES 2017
“’Was he physical?’ I wonder if they are imagining what my face would look like black and blue. I know they are asking for proof that my relationship was, by popular definition, abusive and[...]
Pride: 2017 Edition
This week's blog is brought authored by B.H., a YW team member and advocate extraordinaire. Calgary Pride 2017 is this weekend and I find myself reflecting on change. Pride has grown in Calgary year-after-year[...]
August 2017
Childcare in Alberta: What to Know
Returning to work seems like a daunting task for any first-time parent. You’re trying to balance the responsibilities that come with being a parent along with your own expectations of what kind of parent you[...]
When You Can’t Just Shake it Off
De-escalation, minimizing and acquiescing may not be words every woman can define, but are most definitely skills that almost every woman have mastered by their early adulthood. We have learned how to minimize situations[...]
Being Pro-Choice – A History
It seems like women have been fighting for the right to control their health for a really, really long time - like more than 200 years long. Despite all the time that’s passed and[...]
July 2017
Equity v.s. Equality: What’s the Difference?
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Audre Lorde Women and men are not equal. It’s a common misconception that because women[...]
Yahoo for the Green Line
Cowboy hat, check. Cowboy boots, check. $1.5 billion dollars for Alberta’s largest transit project, check. The hype for the Green Line LRT project which found politicians using words like ‘monumental’ and ‘transformative’ is understandable[...]
#SafeStampede: It’s up to all of us
Alright folks, if you’re dreaming about pancakes, getting a mildly weird craving for mini doughnuts and itching to do the electric slide, you’re not going crazy; it’s time for the Calgary Stampede! The next[...]