Parent Chat: Gender and Sexuality

2021-07-15T16:12:19-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

Being a parent is hard and we just can never learn enough from others that have been parents, too.  You are invited to our open discussion on supporting a gender or sexually diverse child. We are inviting all parents and caregivers to chat about gender and sexuality as it relates to parenting and child [...]

What is Attachment?

2021-08-13T12:32:31-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

…and why is it important?  Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. This is an in-person session. This is a FREE Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention [...]

What is Attachment?

2021-08-24T14:24:21-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

…and why is it important?  Our discussion and exploration of attachment theory will give you a better understanding of this important aspect of parenting for strong, healthy children. This is an in-person session. This is a FREE Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention [...]

Anxiety & Kids: Info for Parents: Back to School

2021-07-15T15:47:15-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

This workshop will provide parents with information about anxiety in children and youth with a focus on back to school anxiety.  Learn information about the difference between anxiety versus other uncomfortable emotions and how you can support your child with their emotions surrounding the return to school. This is a FREE Family Resource Network [...]

Understanding Challenging Behaviors in Children & Youth: Back to School

2021-07-15T15:40:52-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

This workshop will look at the link between strong emotions and impulsive behavior in children. Facilitators will share information to build understanding around what drives challenging behavior and some different ways to respond. This is a FREE Family Resource Network (FRN) workshop. The Family Resource Network is a collaborative group of community-based service providers offering prevention [...]

Restful Routines: Back to School

2021-07-15T15:32:28-06:00July 15th, 2021|, |

Restful sleep is important for good health.  This workshop will talk about building a sleep routine that works for your kids so that everybody can get a good night’s rest. Discussion will focus on establishing or re-establishing healthy sleep routines for the school year. This session is in-person. This is a FREE Family Resource [...]