Over the past few weeks, we’ve been discussing the YWCA Calgary’s Practice Framework and its impact on the YW. This week, we’re taking a hiatus from the Practice Framework series to talk about the historic change at the YW.

This week, after five years of vision, programmatic and strategic organizational change, YWCA changed their name to YW Calgary and launched a refreshed brand that represents a personality focused on empowering through partnership, advocating with tenacity and leading with fortitude. This historic transformation is the first significant change to YW’s brand in more than 20 years and reflects where YW is now and where they want to be in the future.

The latest evolution of the YW began in 2012 with a Stone-Olafson market survey to help YW clarify their impact in the community. The research showed that people had positive feelings about the organization but lacked the understanding of what the YW actually does. That information led to the YW focusing on clarity with the development of a new mission, vision and strategic intentions.

One of the biggest parts of this change was the release of the YW’s Practice Framework a pivotal document clarifying their unique role in Calgary as a women-centred organization. In early 2015, after additional market research, the YW began an 18-month process to unify the organization, process what they need for the future and develop a clear brand and personality that identifies who they are, what they do and why they do it.

From that, a new brand emerged that enables YW to effectively intervene, empower and lead when and where women and their families need them most. The YW introduced a fresh new look and feel with a bold and empowering way of addressing and approaching their work. The YW will empower through partnership knowing they can’t achieve their goals alone; advocate with tenacity by being hands-on and proactive; and lead with fortitude and while guided by their Practice Framework.

The new colours and logo reflect the shift and focus on the future at the YW. The design demonstrates connection, growth and continuous movement. The YW celebrated their refreshed brand this week with staff internally and at the Bow with the YW’s supporters, friends and partners. In honour of this celebration and transformation, the Langevin Bridge and the Calgary Tower were lit in the new colours of the YW.

The YW is women-centred, brighter-future focused; rules do not constrain them, they provide services that support women to gain control of their lives, become economically secure and live free of violence.

As the largest and longest serving women’s organization in Calgary, YW is focused on enhancing women’s safety and well-being while advocating for equity. In 2015, YW Calgary supported more than 6,700 Calgary women and families. Together with their donors, government and other social agencies, YW provides shelter, supportive housing, counselling, child development, childcare, education and employment programs that help move women from crisis to stability.