Yesterday we proudly announced that Monica Lewinsky is going to be the keynote speaker for our 6th annual WHYWHISPER Gala. The YWCA chose Monica Lewinsky as our keynote speaker because her advocacy and social activism work closely align with our values and our mission. We are drawn to Ms. Lewinsky’s story which is one of resilience and courage on a scale most of us cannot comprehend. Her courage to speak out after 20 years of online harassment and a decade-long retreat from the public eye is a testament to the resiliency of the human spirit.

Her story is well known, but just recently Ms. Lewinsky chose to take control of her narrative and give purpose to her past, which may help other women who are struggling. Ms. Lewinsky speaks up and speaks out against online abuse and harassment in the digital world, where women are disproportionately affected.

The harassment of women online is at risk of becoming a norm in our digital society. A recent study from Australia found that 76 per cent of women under 30 have experienced some form of abuse or harassment online and one in four received general threats of physical violence.

The online harassment of women is particularly notable in politics.  A recent Calgary Herald article highlighted the  ridicule and online harassment Deborah Drever faced after indiscretions from her young years came to light.  Ms. Drever was the victim of gender-based, demeaning comments from online users and now chooses to advocate against the harassment of women in politics. Online harassment is a pressing issue that women are facing.

Ms. Lewinsky’s work is paramount to protecting online victims and speaking out against online bullying and harassment. In her TEDTalk, The Price of Shame, Ms. Lewinsky discusses the blood sport public shaming has become and how this type of shaming, can turn deadly. Her powerful presentation calls for new ways to approach online bullying and harassment simply summed up as speaking up and speaking out.

The WHYWHISPER gala is an event to raise funds to support women and their families in Calgary while speaking out and advocating on issues that impact women. Ms. Lewinsky is a bold and compassionate voice against an online community trafficking in shame. As the YWCA advocates for a safe and equitable community and the work Ms. Lewinsky makes her a unique and powerful keynote speaker at this year’s gala.