Did you know women head 80 per cent of lone parent households?

Did you know single fathers earn an average of $20,000 per year more than single mothers due to the continued wage gap between women and men?

A child’s risk of living in poverty is directly linked to the mother’s ability to gain sustainable and appropriate employment.

As a result, we are urging the province to recognize historic inequalities and vulnerabilities facing women when developing Together We Raise Tomorrow: Alberta Poverty Reduction Strategy.

You can read the letter we sent to Dave Hancock, Minister of Human Services, urging the province to commit to diversity analysis, including the application of a gendered lens, through the development of the poverty reduction strategy and subsequent policies.

The YWCA continues to support women and their families when and where they need us most, as we adapt to the changing needs in the city. Supporting more than 8,700 individuals in 2012, across a continuum of more than 30 programs and services, from housing and emergency shelter to counselling, skills, and outreach supports, the YWCA is focused on empowering women, and their families, to move from a place of vulnerability to one of hope and resilience.