What is LENA Start? (ages 0-4)

2022-08-12T13:26:41-06:00August 12th, 2022|, |

Talking with your baby is the best way to help their brain grow. Family Champion Program is launching the next LENA Start program in fall 2022. Join us for an information session as we introduce what LENA Start is and how we can increase children’s language development and so much more! [...]

COVID Vaccinations for Children

2022-08-08T12:03:21-06:00August 8th, 2022|, |

As a parent or caregiver, you want what is best for your child(ren). It is normal to ask questions about COVID-19 Vaccines before making a decision. Join us for our virtual session where we learn about: What vaccine at what age Why is it recommended? Be ready for the needle (how do we help [...]