Your Pelvic Floor (all parents/caregivers)

2022-02-14T13:59:15-07:00February 14th, 2022|, |

Pregnancy and childbirth can have a lasting effect on our pelvic floor, and we can be affected years after. Join us for an introductory session on pelvic floor dysfunction. Learn how to manage incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and low back pain related to your pelvic floor. This session will go through simple self-assessment and [...]

Tuned In (parents of ages 0-12 months)

2022-02-18T15:35:14-07:00February 14th, 2022|, |

Babies will babble, bop, and bounce while enjoying music, movement, and early literacy activities. This Kindermusik group provides multisensory activities designed to stimulate every area of baby’s development, facilitate bonding, and launch a lifelong love of music. This group has limited spots and is a 4-week program. Please make sure you can make all [...]

Book Club: Connected Parenting (parents of ages 0-17)

2022-02-14T13:31:05-07:00February 14th, 2022|, |

Guided by the book, Connected Parenting: How to Raise a Great Kid by Jennifer Kolari.  Jennifer’s CALM method for responding to unwanted behavior will help parents connect with their child in any situation to reduce anxiety, de-escalate tantrums instantly and increase self-esteem. Insightful and empowering, Connected Parenting is filled with step-by-step advice and examples from families [...]

Bellies and Babies (prenatal to 3 months)

2022-02-14T13:24:55-07:00February 14th, 2022|, |

YW Family Champions and Birth and Babies are collaborating! Please join us for a casual chat group where you can meet with an Alberta Health Services childbirth educator and connect with other parents on the topics of pregnancy, labor and birth, breastfeeding / feeding your baby, infant sleep, newborn care, transition to parenthood and [...]