Stampede: A breeding ground for sexism?

2014-07-04T12:43:41-06:00July 4th, 2014|Our View|

As the Stampede kicks off, the Calgary Herald reports young women are again flocking to the city to work the many temporary service sector jobs created by bars and night clubs during these 10 days. “They all want to meet a rich guy from Calgary now so the hot girls come because there’s all these [...]

YWCA Blog: Client Success Story

2014-07-02T08:07:17-06:00July 2nd, 2014|Our View|

Growing up, I had all the luxuries in life. My family and I travelled around the country, lived in big houses and went to the best schools and colleges. After completing my master’s degree I started teaching in a distinguished private school in my city. I loved everything about my life as it contained comfort, [...]

YWCA Blog: Multicultural programming

2014-06-27T13:26:42-06:00June 27th, 2014|Our View|

Last January PLC staff and practicum students built this amazing Chinese New Year dragon for their winter celebration event. Today is Canadian Multiculturalism Day, a day designated by the Government of Canada as a celebration of Canada’s multicultural groups. YWCA Parent Link Corridor (PLC) offers multicultural programming to welcome new families to Canada. [...]

YWCA Blog: Triple P Positive Parenting Program

2014-05-26T12:58:59-06:00May 26th, 2014|Our View|

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. Since 2009, YWCA Parent Link Corridor has been providing free parenting seminars, groups and one-on-one parenting counselling at the YWCA downtown location and at partner sites around the city. We [...]

5 reasons to volunteer with the YWCA of Calgary

2014-05-20T08:51:15-06:00May 20th, 2014|Our View|

Volunteers are the lifeblood of any non-profit organization, and the YWCA of Calgary is no exception. We would not be able to keep our doors open to vulnerable women without our dedicated and committed volunteers. We asked our volunteers why they give their time to the YWCA: 1. “To play bingo with the children, hold [...]

YWCA BLOG: Client Success Story

2014-05-13T07:55:31-06:00May 13th, 2014|Our View|

Angela was a client of YWCA Mary Dover House transitional housing multiple times from 2004-2012. She suffered many traumas in childhood and managed her pain through the use of drugs and alcohol. Many of her stays at YWCA Mary Dover House transitional housing ended in evictions, but she was always able to return, receive support, [...]


2014-05-02T12:48:28-06:00May 2nd, 2014|Our View|

On May 1, 2014, the YWCA kept our temporary winter shelter open for one more night to host our fundraising event YWCA KEEP A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS®. The event took participants through the experience of spending the night at our YWCA Winter Emergency Response (WER) program, offered during the coldest months of the year [...]

YWCA BLOG: Client success story

2014-04-21T13:33:01-06:00April 21st, 2014|Our View|

The YWCA of Calgary offers counselling services for parents and children to help deal with family violence and set a path to healing, learning and thriving in a safe community. Read a success story from a client who accessed our counselling services in 2013: After leaving my abusive husband, it became clear over the weeks [...]

YWCA Blog: How one man is helping homeless women

2014-04-14T13:15:21-06:00April 14th, 2014|Our View|

On May 1st, YWCA KEEP A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS® participant Pat Walsh will line up outside the YWCA to guarantee a place to sleep in our former gymnasium, which has been converted to an emergency shelter. For many women in Calgary, this process is a familiar one as the YWCA Winter Emergency Response program [...]

YWCA Blog: Why the YWCA of Calgary needs a new building

2014-04-07T11:13:38-06:00April 7th, 2014|Our View|

This morning the YWCA of Calgary issued a request for an Expression of Interest (EOI), seeking submissions from property developers to partner in the planning and development of a new YWCA facility in Calgary’s city centre. The YWCA is seeking potential land development partners to bring forward creative ideas to best leverage the YWCA’s property, [...]