Because She Matters.
Thanks to your generous support, YW Calgary was able to open our doors to women, children, and families in our Hub facility in Inglewood in September 2019. This trauma-informed facility, designed by an all-women architectural team is a beacon in the Inglewood community and focuses on supporting and elevating women and their families.
Because You Cared.
“I felt safety, which for me was necessary at that point in my life…. Today, I am aware of what safety looks like, feels like and I can recognize what is unsafe or safe. I was able to relay this sense of safety to my children and they benefited from me being able to live in safety in every aspect of my life. For them it was one less worry they had, so they could focus on enjoyment, being silly, jovial and relaxed- this is priceless. Just as our love is the foundation of our bond, safety is the foundation for a strong, healthy future, one I hope they will be a part of one day.
Thank you are insufficient words. Forever grateful.” -A visiting mother’s story
Thank You.
Thank you for your investment in a safer and more equitable future for women and children in Calgary – you have truly shown that she matters. We are honoured to be your partner in supporting vulnerable women, whenever and wherever they need us.
Thank you for helping us lead the way in transforming how we support women and their families.
“I parked my car to take a Saturday stroll through Inglewood and that had me pass the YW Hub. I stopped to admire the facility and all the people coming and going from it. What an incredibly proud moment to savour. Thank you Calgary for helping us build a dream.” -Shannon Bown Smed, Campaign Co-Chair
“Our Transformation Campaign Donors helped us make history by supporting the creation of a vibrant, inclusive and hope-filled facility for women and children in our community. Thank you for being a part this legacy!” -Sue Tomney, Chief Executive Officer
Download Transformation Campaign Impact Report.
If you have any questions, thoughts, would like an update from YW, or a tour of the Hub if you haven’t already, please be in touch with our Director of Resource Development, Daiva at 403-263-1550 ex. 7039 or by email to