Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson speaks about the importance of calling for help if you or someone you know is experiencing family violence.
Community partners of the Calgary Domestic Violence Collective launched Family Violence Prevention Month today at Banker’s Hall.
Along with several other community partners involved in the event, the YWCA of Calgary is calling for Calgarians to BREAK THE SILENCE around family violence.
Everyone in the community needs to play a role in ending family violence.
The change starts with you.
Why is this important?
Alberta has the second highest rates of family violence when compared to other provinces.
In our city alone, the Calgary Police Service responds to approximately 16,500 domestic conflict calls each year.
Sixty-two per cent of Calgarians have either experienced family violence or abuse or know someone who has, yet 42 per cent don’t seek help.
This is a community issue that affects us all.
How can I help?
Whether it’s our family, friends or co-workers, educating ourselves is the first step to ending family violence in our communities.
Engage in the conversation, learn the facts around the crimes of family violence, challenge the myths and work together positively and collaboratively to create communities that are free of all types of violence.
Please, break the silence and raise your voice for those who cannot.
If you or someone you know is in an unhealthy relationship and the danger is immediate, call 9-1-1.
If you or someone you know needs support, information or resources call Connect Family & Sexual Abuse Network at 1-877-237-5888.
You can also reach out to the 24-hour Family Violence Helpline at 403-234-SAFE (7233).
Alberta Human Services offers a list of tips for individuals who may come in contact with people experiencing family violence.