Last January PLC staff and practicum students built this amazing Chinese New Year dragon for their winter celebration event.
Today is Canadian Multiculturalism Day, a day designated by the Government of Canada as a celebration of Canada’s multicultural groups.
YWCA Parent Link Corridor (PLC) offers multicultural programming to welcome new families to Canada.
Each year YWCA PLC plans four seasonal celebrations with a multicultural theme for parents and young children. At these events, parents have the opportunity to share their knowledge of traditional arts and crafts. Past activities and events have included Chinese paper cutting, Hanukkah menorahs, Henna demonstrations, Diwali rice pictures, Cinco de Mayo piñatas, Aboriginal walking sticks and many others. The programs also provide opportunities for families to learn about more common Canadian celebrations such as Labour Day and Canada Day.
YWCA PLC also offers health and nutrition workshops for families, which include cooking “soups from around the world” and dishes such as bannock and bison stew. Families and children are excited to try foods and recipes that are new to them.
These multicultural components of YWCA PLC programming support women as they connect to each other, their community and the YWCA, which helps to reduce isolation and barriers and build new skills and support systems.
This month YWCA PLC is offering a new multicultural program that celebrates and explores cultures from around the world, inviting families to share artifacts, symbols or music from their culture and to come in traditional dress. Contact YWCA PLC at 403-262-0497 to learn more.